Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blood Pressure Lab

My systole was 110 and my diastole was 60. To measure the heart rate we used a stethoscope (for the heartbeat) and our first and middle fingers (for the radial and carotid pulses). To measure blood pressure, we used a sphygmomanometer (which is just a fancy and official word for a blood pressure cuff). You can't use your thumb to measure your pulse because your thumb has a pulse of it's own and may interfere with your actual pulse readings. 
To use a blood pressure cuff, find the pulse in the brachial artery near your elbow-pit. Put the cuff right above it. Make sure the valve is closed, then inflate the cuff until the pressure reads 150 mm Hg. Then slowly release the valve. Listen with your stethoscope on the brachial artery for a sharp sound (this is the systolic pressure). Then listen for when that sound disappears (the diastolic pressure). 

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