Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Almost finished!!!

I have learned that I need to persevere and ask for what I want. I have also learned about the continual slowness and not-promptness of schools and replying. Recently my mom came up with the idea to just send one email to 100 or so school principals and special education directors so that I can hopefully get a reply from someone. And I did!!! The Loma Prieta school district finally replied, and I am in the process of setting up a time to meet the coordinator to present about this program! I can apply this to myself because this project is teaching me that I need to make my own path and make myself be heard. 


  1. Wow Kanika! That's amazing! Good work pushing through the hard times and persevering on the task!

  2. That's really good that you've come this far in the process. It would be really nice to spread this helpful program to more schools. I hope that more school understand the beneficial aspects of this and decide to try it. Good luck talking to the Loma Prieta school!

  3. It is so cool that you are trying to get other schools involved with your project. I look forward to seeing your end result! Good Luck!
