Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3rd Blog Post: Slow and Steady Progress!

This week, I have learned that this process of spreading this program is not dependant on how fast I work. Now that I am trying to spread this program to other districts, this project is dependent on the people I am trying to pitch this idea to. I have received a response from the Sunnyvale district, but the coordinator said that she would only be able to get back to me sometime in May because they are in the midst of hiring and firing employees. I have also sent an email to the Loma Prieta district, but I haven't heard anything back from them. I have learned about myself that I am not a pushy person as my mom wants me to send a third email to the Sunnyvale district requesting to meet earlier than May, but I do not feel comfortable sending a third email. My next steps include possibly taking my mom's advice and sending the third email, practicing my presentation to other districts, and trying to contact other districts. I have learned that the California Education System is really slow at making changes, although, it is understandable because the change has an effect on all school. I have the feeling that if a district adopts the PPBS program, it will take a year or more to fully implement this program into their elementary schools. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kanika! I think this is a great project. After reading this blog post, I noticed that most of your improvements can be made after slow and steady progress for at least a year,but since this project ends earlier, I think it would be great to think about a short-term goal. Accomplishing a smaller goal would be helpful and would also give you a sense of closure by the end of the semester. Great job!
