Monday, March 14, 2016

What Happens When You Stretch Reflection

Title: What Happens When You Stretch
Author: Unknown
Date: 3/14/16

This article talks about what happens not only at a molecular level but also at a macromolecular level. Our bodies have proprioceptors which are nerve endings which relay all the information about the musculoskeletal system to the CNS. They are the source of the perception of one's own body position and movement. They detect any changes in physical displacement in our bodies. Stretches are used to help lengthen our muscles. 

  • "The lengthening reaction is possible only because the signaling of golgi tendon organ to the spinal cord is powerful enough to overcome the signaling of the muscle spindles telling the muscle to contract." 
    •  This quote demonstrates the strength of the golgi tendon organ signals. This also describes how some signalling molecules can override others. 
  • "This is sometimes called reciprocal innervation but that term is really a misnomer since it is the agonists which inhibit (relax) the antagonists"
    • This helps explain how some terms need to be so specific that they cannot be called something else for there is a possibility of misunderstanding. 
  • "You also want to relax any muscles used as synergists by the muscle you are trying to stretch."
    • This is a key tip to helping relax and stretch out a muscle. The article gives an example of stretching out your calf by flexing your feet. 

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