Saturday, March 5, 2016

Unit 6 Reflection

This unit was about the skeletal system. Not only did we discuss the different parts of the skeletal system, but we also learned about diseases which are caused by malfunctions in our skeleton. This part of the unit interested me the most. I find that I am more interested in learning more about the pathological aspect of our bodies. I remember once my doctor had told me that I had a very mild form of scoliosis, which is very common in people who grow fast during their childhood. If I could learn more about something, I would choose to learn more about the different diseases that are associated with the skeletal system. I would like to learn more about osteoblasts and osteoclasts and how they function to help out skeletal system grow. This video by Hank Green on Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology helps to describe the skeletal system and it's parts. For this unit, we completed an Owl Pellet Lab
This lab helped us identify the different structures of the skeletal system in a pocket gopher. 
For my New Year's Goals, I have started eating a lot healthier than I did earlier. 

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