Monday, March 7, 2016

Playground Pals Bus Stop Program

Helping Students Feel More Included During Lunch and Recess at Elementary Schools!

Playground Pals Bus Stop program establishes a safer and more inclusive environment for elementary school students. 20% Time is a program which is implemented into our Anatomy and Physiology class. 20% of our class time is used to help us achieve a goal regarding a topic that we've always wanted to learn more about. Usually, we use our Monday class periods to work on our 20 time projects. For my project, I wanted to continue my Gold Award. I started my Gold Award last year, but since I did not have much time to do it due to the demands of junior year, I decided to make it my 20 time project so I would be forced to spend time at least once a week to work on it. My essential focus for this project is to try and spread this program (Playground Pals Bus Stop program which helps special needs children feel more included) to other schools and eventually other school districts. My goal is to spread this program to at least one other school (or preferably one other school district). Moving forward, I plan to pitch this idea to a board of 15 special education directors from 15 different districts on March 8th, I plan to also keep updating a website that I have created, and start creating a guidebook about the program. I will measure my progress by how many districts are willing to discuss the idea of this program and possibly implement it. 


  1. Awesome 20 time project! this 20 time project is definitely unique and it's really nice since the special needs children do need more attention in many schools than they currently get. I hope you succeed in spreading this program to different schools and districts and I'm sure there is still a long journey ahead. Good Luck!!
