Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Performance Enhancement Advertisement

These performance enhancers, aka steroids, are very detrimental to our health. Although they may seem appealing to some, the risks definitely outweigh the benefits. People take steroids most of the time to look a certain way. But what they don't understand is that these steroids cause more harm than good. EPO, for example, is a steroid that Neil Armstrong took to help him do better during his races. I am concerned for steroids like this one because not only does it null the sportsmanship of the athlete, but it also puts the athletes in danger of permanently injuring their bodies. Any natural performance enhancement such as vitamin supplements would be considered somewhat safe, although we must still be careful. A wrong dosage of a natural vitamin can severely alter the pH balance (among other things) in our bodies. Any synthetic or chemical steroid which alters normal human processes in any way should not be considered safe and should be taken with medical advice. 

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